Change the World, Robert E. Quinn
His is a defining work for me. It beautifully integrates much of the reading and personal work that I have done over the years.

Deep Change, Robert E. Quinn
Ditto the above. This book focuses more on personal transformation.

Working with Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman
Makes a strong and rational case for the value of emotional competency.
"The hard case for the soft stuff."

The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry, Sue Annis Hammond
A "golden shadow" approach to individual and organizational transformative change.


What Leaders Really Do, John P. Kotter
A short and highly readable treatise on the distinctions between management
and leadership. Most of my clients actually read this cover to cover.

Mastery, George Leonard
A great point-by-point model of the principles of Mastery.

Beyond Change Management, Dean and Linda Ackerman Anderson
A great OD book on transformational change. Lots of good models and distinctions. Excellent complement to Quinn.

Focusing, Eugene Gendlin
The book on the focusing process written by its creator.

Bio-Spirituality, Peter Campbell and Edwin McMahon
Makes a powerful case for "focusing" as a spiritual "body of God" process.

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, John C. Maxwell
A good "bulletized" catalogue of elements of teamwork that is useful in diagnosing a team. Maxwell is a prolific writer and has written a similar book on Leadership.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell
Same as above with the focus on leadership.

Difficult Conversations, Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen
(of the Harvard Negotiation Project)
A terrific guidebook for turning difficult conversations from Blame to Accountability
and Collaboration.

Unnatural Leadership, David L. Dotlich and Peter C. Cairo
Kevin found this one.
Going against intuition and experience to develop ten new leadership instincts.

Gates of Fire, Steven Pressfield
A stunning novel about the Battle of Thermopylae that is loaded with connections to "our work." A must read.

The Tipping Point, Malcom Gladwell
A fascinating little book on epidemics and the elements that create them. The premise is that positive epidemics can be started.

Margin, Richard A Swenson, M.D.
A very good book for people who are leading "overloaded lives."

The Adult Years, Mastering the Art of Self-renewal, Frederic M. Hudson
A great book for people who are in life or career transitions.

Awareness, Anthony de Mello
Life is all about awareness. DeMello, a Jesuit priest and prolific writer, has written the definitive "wake up!" book.

The 12 Bad Habits that Hold Good People Back,
James Waldroop and Timothy Butler
A good summary of common career derailers with pretty good prescriptives
for change.

Executive EQ, Robert Cooper
Cooper is the other "guru" of emotional intelligence. This is an excellent book for those want to study the subject in depth.

The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
For those people who are carrying the "burden" of too much to do with too little time. The thesis is that the key is less about time management and more about having the energy required to function effectively.

The Articulate Executive, Granville N. Toogood
For all those who are called on to make presentations. Succinct, meaty and useful.

Trust in the Balance, Robert Bruce Shaw
In my opinion, the number one issue in organizations today is the severe lack of trust. Shaw does of good job of framing the issues around trust.

Spiral Dynamics, Don Edward Beck and Christopher Cowan
A powerful book revealing the hidden codes that shape human nature, create global and organizational diversities and drive transformational change.
A complex read. Not for faint of heart.

Build the Bridge as You Walk on It, Robert E. Quinn
Quinn has written a trilogy of books on transformational change. Change the World and Deep Change are discussed elsewhere on this list. Build the Bridge is about personal leadership as a "fundamental state." I am especially fond of this book because Quinn actually refers to yours truly as a "transformational teacher."

Presence, Peter Senge, C. Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski and Betty Sue Flowers
An allstar lineup of thought leaders!!! Takes the ideas of awareness and consciousness beyond the domain of the individual to the next level, which would be something described as "collective inner knowing." Powerful!!

The Theory of Everything, Ken Wilber
Wilber is one of the most prolific metaphysical writers of our time. He has expanded the concepts of Spiral Dynamics into Integral Leadership. Many, including me, believe that Integral Leadership will be required of corporate, political and public leaders of
the future.

There are probably hundreds of books on this subject now. Here are a few that I have found worthwhile.

Flawless Consulting, Peter Block
Written in 1981, before coaching really existed in corporate America, the "basics" of engagement, contracting, etc., outlined by Block are still valid today.

The Consultant's Calling, Geoffrey Bellman
Same as above for Bellman. Focuses on the individual and his or her "calling"
for the work.

Coaching, Evoking Excellence in Others, James Flaherty
Well-written. Succinct. Based on a lot of the ideas from Landmark Technology.
I recommend this one.

The Portable Coach, Thomas Leonard
Written by the founder of Coach University. A nice distillation of the best of
his thinking.

Executive Coaching/An Appreciative Approach, William Bergquist, et al
For those familiar with Appreciative Inquiry, this book will integrate some of the
AI Concepts into the coaching process.

Unstoppable People, Adrian Gilpin
This author's story of his personal journey shows how ordinary people with passionate purpose can achieve extraordinary things.

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